It is the official beginning of summer on the calendar, however, many of our gardens have already begun to produce summer bounty. In 2021, the June solstice happens on Sunday, June 20, at 11:32 P.M.EDT.

The week of the summer solstice, also known as midsummer (the halfway point of summer).
Historically, this day marks the midpoint of the growing season, halfway between planting and harvest. It is traditionally known as one of four “quarter days” in some cultures. Folks celebrated by feasting, dancing, singing, and preparing for the hot summer days ahead.
The solstices and equinoxes have traditionally been important to gardeners because of their effect on the flowering habits of some of the most important plants in the garden.
Plants subject to photoperiodism use the length of the dark periods (nights) as a cue to releasing hormones for flowering and fruiting.
Due to a misunderstanding of the actual triggering stimulus, the terms “short day” and “long day” were chosen to describe the two types of plants that are photo dependent for flowering. A good way to refer to them would be “long night” and “short night” plants since it is actually the length of the dark periods and not the length of the light periods that trigger flowering.
It is the official beginning of summer on the calendar, however, many of our gardens have already begun to produce summer bounty.
Ways to Celebrate!
Go strawberry picking. Enjoy a big bowl of strawberries and cream on the solstice.
There are many people—like the Swedes—who celebrate the beginning of summer by eating the first strawberries of the season. Indulging in some strawberries and cream is the perfect way to celebrate the June solstice, since June’s full Moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon.
Have a solstice evening bonfire!
Many northern people also celebrate a solstice holiday known as Midsummer’s Day on June 24, which is one of the four ancient quarter days of the year. The eve prior is called Midsummer’s Eve, marking the shortest night of the year. A common way to celebrate is to have a bonfire party!
Go for a swim
The summer solstice is the first official day of summer! That makes it the perfect time for a pool day. Hang out in the pool, teach your child to swim, or even get some exercise in.
Play some outdoor games with your family
The warm weather makes the summer solstice the perfect time to play some games with your kids.

Celebrate nature using area wildflowers to create pretty flower crowns.
click for instructions
There are plenty of things you can do to celebrate the summer solstice! You can spend some time in nature, leave a gift of birdseed or other snacks for the local wildlife, cook a meal using fresh veggies and herbs, light a candle and spend some time in reflection over the year that’s passed.